He's Still Moving
Can I encourage you, whoever and wherever you are? To know this. . .
God IS still good. He's still moving and working on your behalf. Even when you can't see it. Even when you can't feel it. Even when you don't know how. Even when you don't know when. He's there. And He's got it. All of it. Not just some of it. Not just 80% of it. But literally ALL OF IT.
He knew it was coming long before it ever happened. And He also knew that you were strong enough to handle it. So whatever it is, trust that it's already done. Trust that ways are already being made. Trust that doors are already being opened. Trust that breakthroughs are already happening. Trust that deliverance is already beginning to take place. Trust that the very thing you need, God is getting ready to supply.
Whatever you've been dealing with. Whatever you've been facing. It's not in vain. I know it may seem like it. I know it may feel like it. I know it may seem invaluable sometimes. I know it might not make sense. I know it may seem unfair. I know it may seem like one thing after another. But it's worth it. The process is worth it. The journey is worth it. The blessings on the other side of your obedience are worth it. Your testimony is worth it. The person(s) you're going to save with your testimony are worth it.
God did not bring you this far just to leave you. He's right there. Even now. Holding you when there's no one else around. Comforting you when you seem inconsolable. Guiding you when you don't know where to turn. Providing for you when there seems to be no way. Putting the pieces together. Working behind the scenes. He's there. All of the time. EVERY time. Even when man says there is no more time. He's still there.
The same God that made a way back then is still making ways right now. The same God that healed back then is still healing now. The same God that provided back then is still providing now. The same God that delivered back then is still delivering now. The same God that had all power back then still has all power now. The same God that did it back then can still do it now.
I know what you're dealing with may seem too big to handle, but God is bigger. He's stronger. He's wiser. There's literally NOTHING He cannot do. He specializes in doing the impossible. His track record is spotless. He's never lost a battle, never been defeated, and there's absolutely no one greater. Why not trust a God like that?
That very same God is yet taking care of you. Even when you can't trace Him, trust that He's there. Trust that He's fighting for you...defending you. You need only be still. Rest in His strength. Rest in His power. Trust that He truly has it. Then sit back and watch Him work.
I don't know when your situation is going to change. I don't even know how. But I do know that it's changing. I do know that it's going to turn around for your good. Storms don't last always. Greater is coming. Eyes haven't seen, and ears haven't heard all that God has in store for you. This isn't the end. This isn't your final chapter. This is only the beginning. God has so much more ahead. You haven't even began to touch the surface of all that God has planned.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...just keep living, keep fighting, keep praying, keep believing, keep pressing, keep enduring, keep hoping, keep waiting, keep fasting, and keep trusting.
I dare you to trust Him in the midst of whatever you're going through. I dare you to believe that He's still good even when it doesn't feel good to you. I dare you to praise Him in the middle of it, not just when He brings you out. I dare you to encourage yourself when others around you can't. I dare you to make up in your mind that you'll still trust Him whether things go your way or not. I dare you to trust that His ways are still higher and still better. I dare you to believe that His plan is still perfect, even if it makes no sense. I dare you to believe that despite what your situation looks like right now, He's still moving...and He's still proving JUST how Great He is. Cause rest assured, He IS great. Will you believe that today? 🖤
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